Category Archives: Coronavirus

Challenge after Challenge, She Persists

Mabel Woghiren is originally from Lagos, Nigeria, and is part of the Benin tribe. Mabel loves to cook, travel, and host people in her home. “Part of the Nigerian culture is singing, dancing, being with family, and being happy,” she more »

Information for Health Departments on Reporting Cases of COVID-19

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is a disease caused by the newly emerged coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. To prevent further spread of SARS-CoV-2 and to collect information to better understand the virus and its impact on health outcomes, CDC has developed a form that provides a standardized approach to reporting COVID-19 cases (individuals with at least one respiratory specimen…read more »

There are Different COVID-19 Vaccines

Easy to Read COVID-19 explaining how different COVID-19 vaccines work primarily developed for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and others who read or listen with understanding below a third-grade more »