Category Archives: Coronavirus

Long-Term Effects of COVID-19

Heart conditions associated with COVID-19 include inflammation and damage to the heart muscle itself, known as myocarditis, or inflammation of the covering of the heart, known as more »

Duration of Isolation and Precautions for Adults with COVID-19

This guidance outlines key considerations for states and healthcare systems to consider strategies for transferring patients, staff, and supplies between health facilities to optimize patient care, balance resources, and minimize use of crisis care standards. One option is the identification of relief healthcare facilities and establishing or coordinating with existing federal, state, or regional Medical…read more »

International Travel

Travel requirements have changed for all passengers traveling to the United States by air. Know what you need to do to board a flight to the United more »

Domestic Travel During COVID-19

There are several things to consider when deciding whether it is safe for you to travel in the United States. This includes the following: is COVID-19 spreading where you’re going, will you be in close contact with others, are you at higher risk of severe illness if you do get COVID-19, do you have a…read more »

International Travel During COVID-19

There are several things to consider when deciding whether it is safe for you to travel in the United States. This includes the following: is COVID-19 spreading where you’re going, will you be in close contact with others, are you at higher risk of severe illness if you do get COVID-19, do you have a…read more »