She was formerly Mayor of Frederick from 2002 to 2006.

Frederick, MD (KB) Jennifer Dougherty is hoping to be the next Mayor of Frederick City.
“I’m a small business owner and have been in Frederick since 1987,” she said.
Dougherty served as Mayor of Frederick City until 2006.
“Having served as Mayor, I was able to bring a different level of skills, but also a priority list when I came to office in 2002,” she said. “I created the Neighborhood Advisory Councils, I created the Carroll Creek Task Force that painted the picture and helped us deliver the Linear Park that everyone enjoys right now.”
Dougherty said she hopes to accomplish many things if elected, like increase community policing.
“In terms of elections, I want to have term-limits for all elected city officials,” said Dougherty. “I want to have precincts for Aldermen, with five precincts and two at-large; I want to allow unaffiliated voters to participate in primaries because we are not getting enough people to vote in primaries.”
She also wants to create an ethics hotline for complaints against city officials.
“I want to add 100 affordable housing units every year for ten years; I want to hire a manager for the West Side Regional Park,” she said.
Dougherty said she’s committed to Frederick and the community.
“I’m passionate about this city; I’m direct, I’m hard working, and I’m committed to Frederick,” Dougherty said. “Unlike some people who lose office and lose campaigns, I am not leaving Frederick and I’m committed to what we do.”
Frederick City’s Primary Election will take place September 14th and the General Election will be held November 2nd, 2021.
Link to Jennifer Dougherty’s campaign website: