Latest News

Citizens Gather To Remember Fallen Police Officers
Five Frederick City officers lost their lives in the line of duty.

Taneytown Man Arrested For Arson
Officials say he set fire to his own vehicle.

Hagerstown Drug Trafficker Off To Federal Prison
He was sentenced on Friday

Sheriff’s Office Searching For Three Suspects
They’re suspected of identity fraud.

One Of Two Suspects Charged In Break-In
Police are searching for the other suspect.

Emmitsburg Physician Surrenders Her Medical License
But she has some doubts.

Frederick Running Festival Set For May 7-8
It will take place at the Fairgrounds.

Progress Reported In Efforts To Fight Hunger In Md.
But official say more needs to be done.

Police Charge Two In Stabbing
They were arrested on Thursday.

Rt. 144 In New Market To Close Temporarily This Weekend
Motorists are asked to follow detour signs and plan for additional time.

Part of Lewistown Road To Be Closed For Up To A Year
Rehabilitation work is expected to take place on the bridge over Fishing Creek.

Drug Disposal Event This Sat., Apr. 30th
It will be held at the Harry Grove Stadium top lot.