Tag Archives: 930 WFMD

Faith Debate: July 23rd, 2023

Faith Debate: July 23rd, 2023

Aftermath of Confronting the Woke Mob A conversation with Dr. Russell T Fuller… a profile in Christian courage.This is a special “fireside chat” edition of The Faith Debate, which will play out on the show over five episodes. In part three we hear Dr. Fuller share how power players in the SBC (and at Southern…read more »

Faith Debate: July 16th, 2023

Faith Debate: July 16th, 2023

Profile in Christian Courage A conversation with Dr. Russell T Fuller… a profile in Christian courage.This is a special “fireside chat” edition of The Faith Debate, which will play out on the show over five episodes. In part two we hear Dr. Fuller share how bigtime Southern Baptist movers-and-shakers (such as Albert Mohler and Matthew…read more »

Faith Debate: July 9th, 2023

Faith Debate: July 9th, 2023

Trouble at Southern Seminary A conversation with Dr. Russell T Fuller… a profile in Christian courage.This is a special “fireside chat” edition of The Faith Debate, which will play out on the show over five episodes. In part one we hear Dr. Fuller share the backstory to the dramatic events which would lead to great…read more »