Tag Archives: 930WFMD

Faith Debate: December 11th, 2022

Faith Debate: December 11th, 2022

Christmas Should it be celebrated, and if so when and how is the best way to do so?  What are the implications for people who might be facing their final Christmas? This is episode five of five that were recorded while live streaming.  The full video is available on Rumble at the Household of Faith…read more »

Faith Debate: December 4th, 2022

Faith Debate: December 4th, 2022

Replacement Theology What is Replacement Theology and what isn’t it?  What are some of the common misconceptions and the answers to these erroneous definitions?  And just how many people of God are there? This is episode four of five that were recorded while live streaming.  The full video is available on Rumble at the Household…read more »

Faith Debate: November 27th, 2022

Faith Debate: November 27th, 2022

Macionism Are the heretical teachings of Marcion still infecting the Christian church today?  Thus pitting the Old Testament against the New Testament and creating antagonism between Law and Grace? This is episode three of five that were recorded while live streaming.  The full video is available on Rumble at the Household of Faith in Christ…read more »

Faith Debate: November 20th, 2022

Faith Debate: November 20th, 2022

Hebraic Roots of the Church Have segments of the Christian church become opposed to embracing the roots of God’s people in the Torah?  If so, why?  The panel discusses. This is episode two of five that were recorded while live streaming.  The full video is available on Rumble at the Household of Faith in Christ…read more »

Faith Debate: November 13th, 2022

Faith Debate: November 13th, 2022

Shabbat When and how should Christians observe the Sabbath?  The panel takes a look. This is episode one of five that were recorded while live streaming.  The full video is available on Rumble at the Household of Faith in Christ channel: https://rumble.com/v1oql7n-video-aa-sabbath-marcionism-and-replacement-theology.html The panel: Troy Skinner. Pastor of Household of Faith in Christ. www.HouseholdOfFaithInChrist.com Imran Razvi.…read more »

Faith Debate: November 6th, 2022

Faith Debate: November 6th, 2022

News Roundup News items about abortion, inflation, microchips, and church membership are all discussed during this episode of the show. This is episode five of five that were recorded while live streaming. The full video is available on Rumble at the Household of Faith in Christ channel: https://rumble.com/v1j2tjf-video-z-reason-to-choose-or-leave-a-church.html The panel: Troy Skinner. Pastor of Household…read more »

Faith Debate: October 30th, 2022

Faith Debate: October 30th, 2022

Worship Music Should churches sing Psalms only? Are hymns okay? Should we say yes to contemporary “praise and worship” spiritual songs? This is episode four of five that were recorded while live streaming. The full video is available on Rumble at the Household of Faith in Christ channel: https://rumble.com/v1j2tjf-video-z-reason-to-choose-or-leave-a-church.html The panel: Troy Skinner. Pastor of…read more »

Faith Debate: October 23rd, 2022

Faith Debate: October 23rd, 2022

When and How To Leave a Church Deciding to never become a member of a church is different than deciding to leave a church. Once you already belong to a church, how do you decide to change churches and how is this best handled? This is episode three of five that were recorded while live…read more »

Faith Debate: October 16th, 2022

Faith Debate: October 16th, 2022

When To Not Recommend a Church How important is the issue of how a church chose to handle pressure from the culture and/or the government? What are the signs that a church is not committed to the Bible? This is episode two of five that were recorded while live streaming. The full video is available…read more »

Faith Debate: October 9th, 2022

Faith Debate: October 9th, 2022

When To Recommend a Church Before recommending a church to someone, what are some key factors to consider? This is episode one of five that were recorded while live streaming. The full video is available on Rumble at the Household of Faith in Christ channel: https://rumble.com/v1j2tjf-video-z-reason-to-choose-or-leave-a-church.html The panel: Troy Skinner. Pastor of Household of Faith…read more »