At WFMD, we are committed to recruiting and retaining diverse talent by creating an environment that integrates diversity and inclusion in all aspects of our business. Our company is enriched and made more effective through representation of diverse experience, backgrounds, ethnicity, education, sexual orientation and regional and cultural orientation. WFMD is an Equal Opportunity Employer where women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
WFMD Recruitment Alert Statement
If your organization distributes information about employment opportunities to job seekers or refers job seekers to employers, and would like to receive job vacancy notices, please provide the name, mailing address, e-mail address (if applicable), telephone number, fax number, and contact person and identify the category or categories of vacancies for which you would like information.
You may fax your requests to be added to our recruitment process by faxing to 301-682-8018 or mail your information to:
EEO Manager
WFRE/WFMD 5966 Grove Hill Road
Frederick, MD 21703
It is the policy of WFRE/WFMD, to provide equal employment opportunity to all qualified individuals without regard to their race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation or any other characteristic protected by law, in all personnel actions.
Current Listings:
2018-2019 Public EEO Report
Click below to download EEO reports (Adobe PDF).